Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Omma, Mummy, Okaasan, Emak.

they say once in every year its your day Mak, but for me everyday is your day.
Mak, they say flowers are given during Mother's Day but actually you are the flower in my heart.
as I count today, its been 22 years, 5 months and 8 days I lived. thanks for you who giving birth to me.
Mak, you know last week I felt terribly unease to get without keropok lekor.
because I know you love it so much. I bought it 2 days earlier so that I won't forget to buy it.
Mak, aah said that your eye sight is becoming worse lately, so I baked carrot cupcakes for you.
I wish I could do more to help you.

if Cinderella had a Fairy Godmother, I have YOU.
if Aladdin can asked his Genies for help, YOU always here to help me.
if King Author had his sword to protect him, I always protected by YOU.
Mak, even if I'm rich as Donald Trump I don't think I can repay to what YOU had given to me.
even if there is Superman in front of me, he can't never beat YOU Mak.
Mak, you more than just a hero in my life. you are one in a kind creature that god had sent to me.
Thank you Allah for giving me a life from a woman called 'Mak'.
how wonderful my life is to have you Mak.

as times pass by, I face the life.
with you mother, I passed with smile.
as I grow up, you lead my life.
for a brighter path, you guide me the way.
thank you mother, to show me the world.
until the end of my life, you always the queen of my heart.

p/s: thanks to my Mak for everything. xoxoxo 


Hzwan Hammad said...

nice. terharu aku baca. huhu

L.I.F.E.1.2.3 said...

thanks~ ngeeee ^_^

L.I.F.E.1.2.3 said...

arigato senpai~ ngeee