Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Integrated Aquaculture II

as promised from past few months here are the pictures for my project a.k.a outdoor practical for Integrated Aquaculture subject this semester.

i was making holes for the roots

making holes for the cups

tadaa...medium for Mustard Greens (Sawi)

checking the tank before loading the fish

catfish had been load in the tank!

sha don't look at me like that! ;p

oh look, something came out!

remember the one i told about the green water?
no, this is the beginning of it...

after about two months later

Alhamdulillah, our Sawi had grown up

there you go, now we have to wait a little bit more for that Sawi to grow up bigger before we can harvest it. as for the catfish, they had grown up well. but i'm so sorry because i forgot to take the picture of it. ok now i will show you guys the best group for vegetables products that had done by our aquaculture and fisheries seniors; big applause for them! ;)

really fresh right?

see it for full version. satisfied!

nurul wants to look like she was in that team haha

envy with their vegie!

my friends and i also want to be in this group!


farrazswift said...

nanti u mesti tanam sawi sendiri..hehe..tak payah pi market dah..hehe

L.I.F.E.1.2.3 said...

i xmo sawi...pahit~
i nk salad or spinach....
ley jd mcm popeye

Hzwan Hammad said...

pas ni leh mai tnam sawi kt belakang rmah aku plak..ik3

L.I.F.E.1.2.3 said...

nk bp batas???

Hzwan Hammad said...

kepala batas??ik3

L.I.F.E.1.2.3 said...

kepala batas ak x mampu nk bg