Friday, March 9, 2012

#4 Thursday Quote

"When you choose your friends, don't be short-changed by choosing personality over character."

"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit."

i always believe that first impression is very important to knew someone on our first met. but as time passed by i changed my mind. personality and characters can't be judge over a year but you need more than 2 years to know a person deeply. people changed. you can't expect people around you to be like you think of it. but don't be surprised when a close friend of yours changed drastically or betray you in the middle of journey. even its hard and hurts you, accept it. that is the only way to do. don't hate that person but accept them the way they are. if you good enough, show them the right path of life. don't let them drown in their ego. be a good friend. helping each other could save your friendship. do it if you love your friends. 

silly us!

i can count on you like 4321~~

always stick together

our first night out. remember?

my lovely KEKITA #heart

my forever bff!


p/s: loves your friends as they are!

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