Tuesday, September 27, 2011

hello seniorita!

hello peeps! lama kan aku tak update blog neh? dah nah naik sawang dah. fuuhhh2! *tepuk2* ok dah bersih dah ^__^ well sem neh agak busy. ya akhirnya aku berjaya mem'busy'kan diri ini. baru la terasa thrilled jadi budak tahun akhir. hahaha cakap tak berlapik meknie. satgi busy jangan nak bising-bising okay!

first of all, tadi tension je tengok list subjek yang aku daftar sem neh sebab ada satu subjek tib-tiba takda dalam list. padahal aku dah check dah hari tu ADA dalam list. siap dah mintak kebenaran timbalan dekan untuk tambah  kelas tu. benci tau tak penat aku pergi fakulti nak minta sign tiba-tiba elok ja subjek tu hilang macam chipsmore. =.=

satu lagi masalah aku, broadband neh selalu buat hal bila masuk sem. nasib baik laptop aku tu aku dah bagi akan antibiotik banyak-banyak sebelum masuk sem hari tu. kena la minta belas ihsan meksha nak update blog ka tweet or fb. fb dah tak best nak main, tak ada privacy tapi best nak stalk orang. hahaha tapi bukannya aku ada masa pun nak update-update semua tu. aku rasa macam nak deactivate ja fb tu tapi lecturer untuk FYP aku tu suka pula update kat fb. haish

sekarang mood tak tau nak cakap apa. nak ja update macam-macam, reunion sekolah hari tu, hari aku kena saman ya SAMAN dalam kampus so beware ye students UMT 1 kesalahan RM50 sahaja, apa jadi dekat sekeliling neh semua aku nak update tapi tangan neh malas nak tulis banyak-banyak. maaf =.= kena saka dekat MAF hari tu kot masa disect ikan kerisi. hahaha

tu ja kot for today, next time bila broadband dah sihat i'll promise you all to update ok. *bajet ada ja orang baca kan* hahaha ok adios seniorita ;p

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hello Terengganu -.-"

say hello to terengganu love. =.= ok fine i got fever as soon as my feet step on this state of turtles. what the...??? i got slightly cough before going back to my university but with the cool aircond in the bus there you go a nice complete fever. thanks. *aipp..aaipp meknie tak baik cakap macam tu!*

first day of study i got no class, thanked God i can skipped it without feeling any guilt. so today first day of class turns out no class. heh. so me and my friends took this precious time to go shopping a bit for our new home. yes another new home. where? i'll revealed it next post ;p so after looking for a new suitable house which i think it was ok laa than our current house. it got only 2 rooms but 6 beds. spacious kitchen. a washing machine. fridge. television that completes with a bit furniture and most important it safe from flood if there is heavy rain. it cost us RM600. i don't know to say it cheap or what but since it looks comfy so i considered it as reasonable price. we gonna move there within this week maybe. please pray this will be our last house till i graduate hahaha

next destination; Giant. hahaha buying all stuff and having lunch at Chicken Rice Shop. nothing interesting just girls shopping....it does takes a loooooooooooong time! haha oh oh and i saw this cutie little boy with chubby not so chubby face running in the mall while waiting for his mom shopping? hehe but he is soo cute meh! my evening class? im so sorry i skipped it. i had runny nose and headache as soon as i arrived home. such a lame excuse right? its the first week of class nothing much to teach right? hahahaha ok i'll never do it again!

so now i felt so hungry. i don't kow why! waiting for my friends to get ready to have our dinner. forgive me mommy, i can't keep my promise to go on diet. huhuhu

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kemalasan Ditahap Kritikal!

oh saya terasa sangat lah malas! ya sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat MALAS!
1-malas nak bangun dari katil
2-malas nak cari beg balik kampung
3-malas nak kemas baju
4-malas nak cari beg tambahan untuk baju
5-malas nak cari bekas untuk kuih raya
6-malas nak simpan kuih raya dalam beg
7-malas nak pergi alor star sekali lagi
8-malas nak naik bas
9-malas nak balik terengganu
10-malas nak balik UMT
11-malas nak fikir pasal hostel/rumah sewa
12-malas nak ke kelas
13-malasnya saya!

main point---> malas nak masuk kelas balik huhuhu
ok saya dah rindu nak merempit dengan KBM 4652! itu satu-satunya sebab saya kena balik terengganu. selamat tinggal romeoku rumahku, selamat tinggal pulauku, selamat tinggal semua. aku terpaksa meneruskan sesi perantauanku. ok fine dah merapu merepek. jom kita kemas beg nak balik kampus!

::mood: sedang mencari mood untuk mengemas barang::

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Three Layers Pudding!

time puasa ja membuak laa perasaan aku nak makan macam-macam. hahaha semalam lagi nak buat pudding; chocolate pudding tapi i'm not feeling well so moi/kanji/bubur je la aku sempat masak. so hari neh awal-awal lagi aku dah prepare barang nak buat pudding. tetiba teringat mak cakap ada beli instant dadih strawberry flavor from her friend so jom kita mix and match! hehe

this pudding consist of three layers of flavors; chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. ambik kau pening lalat jap lagi sekali makan 3 rasa. hahaha

chocolate pudding;
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder + couples of chopped chocolate bar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoons margarine or butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

vanilla pudding;

  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoons margarine or butter
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract

*just add in all the ingredients in a pot and stir it in medium heat until it can coat your 'senduk' or ladle.*
*chilled it before serving*

strawberry pudding i used instant one, but you can used the vanilla recipe's and add some strawberry flavor and red colour.

compiled steps sebab malas nak upload banyak-banyak.

to make it extravaganza different from others pudding, i tried to put some chopped chocolate bar into the pudding. as you can see in picture 3,4 and 5 there were something square on top of vanilla pudding layer. the taste? i don't know yet because i'm fasting and it still in the fridge. aiman cakap pink pudding taste great. yela dah nama pun instant kan? -.-" apa-apa pun rasa dia depends on aiman's because he was the tukang rasa time masak tadi hahaha last but not least bon appetite everyone!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

This Is Happy Ending!

penat ya sangat penat tapi puas hati~ why?
1. dapat jumpa balik kawan-kawan especially yang dah bertahun tak jumpa.yup i think the last time jumpa masa ambil result SPM.
2. saya dapat jumpa gegurl saya! oh hepi banget sih! rasa enjoy ja even the sun is striking out. yes gegurl saya ialah KEKITA.
3. dapat beraya dekat rumah mira! hehehe siap merempit lagi pi rumah dia. dapat minum ribena pulak tu, kelas kau jah!
4. dapat tidur rumah gegurl baik saya, azira rahman. ya dah bertahun tak jumpa bantal busuk merah dia akhirnya bersua kembali kita! hai cik bantal busuk merah!
5. dapat pergi mini pc fair. dapat headphone baru yeay!
6. window shopping yang mengurangkan wang. hahaha jumpa juga akhirnya hair mask. terima kasih elianto and azira

moral of the story:
-don't judge a book by its cover, judge it by its synopsis.
-bagi la segala kasut or sandal cantik dan mahal kat aku, lastly the best choice is selipar jepun sahaja. simple dan selesa.
-kalau nak betul-betul window shopping sila bawa kad pengenalan dan lesen memandu sahaja.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oh Nervous!

ok seriously i'm a bit nervous. why? for the reunion tomorrow. the cake. people out there. its been a while we haven't meet so tomorrow is the day. the day that we will reunite after a long time of apart. heh i'm just said like its been ages. hahaha it just about 4 years only...but still its a long time right? am i right? duh i think i'll need to pack my things. after the event ends i'll staying at azira's place. hehehe its going to be fun right? ok need to go peeps. adios amigos!